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The Berthoud Bugle: Transformation

Updated: Apr 6

Volume 2024: Edition 24

Food for thought: The Transformative Power of Christ

Hello everyone. We would like to thank you for your love and support during this difficult time in our Church and in our family. It has been very hard, but it is also a time of growth in our church and the strengthening of our faith.  We strive to bring encouragement and connection through this newsletter that we will be continuing to post every 1st of the month, so we hope you will continue to learn and grow in God's word with us.

I sit here and reflect on the past newsletters and their topics, knowing full well that I am pouring out my heart for all to see. They are testimonies and stories of the past months, weeks, days and even up-to-the minute reflections of the topics that are put down on paper.

Most newsletters typically cover upcoming events, things going on within our church and community, and topics of interest for the congregation, but they usually do not focus on oneself. In the past year, our newsletters have served to be more of a testimony used as a personal devotional, to help guide us through growing closer in Christ. What I have learned in the past few months is that God has a plan. While I may not know that plan, I do know one thing: God would want me to be the best version of myself. He would want me to pour out my heart on paper to show those who take a glance or a quick read that there is a person out there who struggles in their relationship with the Lord, just like them.

I am not ashamed to say I am a sinner, or that I fail and carry fear, pain, and doubt. Because I know I have God and a Savior who died for all my shame and sin. And I know that my Savior Lives.

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”

 (Revelation 22:13)

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made;”

(John 1: 1-3)

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

(Genesis 1:1)

I understand that it’s difficult to let go of all the baggage and all the past that weighs a person down. The sins that cling to me, refusing to let go, the daily reminders on social media of who’s right and who’s wrong, the constant judgment, the hate speech spread throughout the comments, the incessant search for approval, and many others - the list is long. However, one thing many fail to consider is that we control our own decisions and priorities. We can put a stop to all of it and let it all go. In fact, we, as followers of Christ, have to let go of our old self and surrender to the One who gave it all, laying everything at His feet.

“If I rebuild what I destroyed, I prove that I am a lawbreaker. For through the law I died to the law so that I might live for God. I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”

(Galatians 2:18-20)

A great role model for this is the Apostle Paul, the author of Galatians, and a person who had been known to condemn and prosecute many Christians. Paul's words remind us of the transformative power of Christ's sacrifice. By identifying with Christ's death and resurrection, we are no longer enslaved to our past sins or the expectations of the law. Instead, we are liberated to live a new life in communion with God.

Paul was stopped in his tracks on the road to Damascus and had an encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ, which changed his life and the lives of millions with his testimony. If a man like that, a non-believing man, a hypocritical man, a man who thought he was above others, a man who hated the idea of a Savior, can change, why can’t we?

If we truly seek the same kind of change in our lives that occurred in Paul's life, we must encounter Christ. It is easy for many people to say that they know Christ and that He is present in their lives, but this is not always the truth. Often, it is a phrase used flippantly despite the continuation of sin, doubt, and the feeling of being lost. If you feel lost, you are doubtful, and you continue with the same sins you have always committed, can you truly say that you have encountered Christ and that He is an ever-present pillar in your life? Or are you saying this to cover the fact that you haven’t found that reason, a true encounter with Christ, to examine your life and open your heart and mind to your creator?

The only way we can expect change and the continuous presence of God in our lives is through encountering Christ and allowing His will to take over our lives and cleanse us of our sin. The first step in changing to grow closer to God is to admit our sins.

No one wants to admit that they are sinful or that they commit sinful acts on a minute-by-minute basis, and why would you? In order to do that, you have to expose yourself to the people around you and take accountability for the sins you have committed. But the fact is, we are all sinners, all of us. We don’t have to air out all our business to know that you are not alone in your sin, but despite this innate nature for all humans to sin, and despite the pain it may cause others, we should be there for each other. Since sin is something we all do, we don’t need to isolate ourselves out of shame and guilt for our sin. We should be able to comfort each other and be a support system for one another so that we can fight this world and overcome our sin together as a community and Church.

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” 

(Romans 3:23-24)

“Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.”

 (Matthew 22:37-39)

While acknowledging that letting go of past sins is what transforms us, it’s a challenging task to be vulnerable and embrace Christ. But without His transformative power we feel alone in our sin and the shame and guilt of our sin become chains that hold us down. It is something all followers of Christ struggle with. I, myself, know that my daily struggles keep me down and open a door to countless disappointments and distractions, leading to anxiety-filled days and sleepless nights. But in those moments, I also know I need to be in prayer and lean on the fellowship of my fellow believers. 

Like the story of the Apostle Paul, letting go will transform your life. It’s about being willing to let go of your old self and never look back, becoming a beacon of light in a dark world. I pray we all can get there together.

Let us remember: we are never alone.

[Lord Jesus, may your presence be my comfort in times of distress and Your wisdom my guide in moments of uncertainty. Help me to trust in Your plan for my life, knowing that You work all things together for my good. Thank you, Lord, for Your constant presence and unfailing love. Give me the courage to persevere, knowing that with You by my side, I am never alone. Amen.]

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

(Joshua 1:9)

We are grateful to have you with us as readers, church members, and interested guests and we are always open to any suggestions and volunteers for our website, newsletter, and future activities. We hope to see you at our Sunday services and stay tuned for our coming newsletters and updates at church, at bible study, on Facebook, on the Wix-App, and on the website.

Upcoming Events:

Special Prayers:

  • Pray for the Salazar family and the congregation during this very difficult transition. 

  • Pray for Rachel and her health for healing and strength.

  • Pray for the Bibles we are sending to Kenyan Children and Youth that the lord provides a way for them to be sent.

  • Pray for our Newsletter that we can continue to write through the Holy Spirit

  • Pray for our Pastor and our church that we may be blessed to continue to grow and share the word of God.

Weekly Devotional: I am the Resurrection and the Life

Christ is the resurrection and the Life; all lasting Life emanates from Him. People search for life in many wrong ways: chasing after fleeting pleasures, accumulating possessions and wealth, trying to deny the inevitable effects of aging. Meanwhile, the Lord freely offers abundant Life to everyone who turns to Him. As you come to Him and take His yoke upon you, Christ will fill you with His very Life. This is how He chooses to live in the world and accomplish His purposes. This is also how He blesses you with Joy unspeakable and full of Glory. The Joy is Christs, and the Glory is His; but He bestows them on you as you live in His presence, inviting Him to live fully in you.

"Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live."

(John 11:25)

" Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."

(Matthew 11:28-29)

"whom having not seen you love. Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, receiving the end of your faith—the salvation of your souls"

(1 Peter 1:8-9)

Young, S. (2n.d.). Jesus calling: Enjoying peace in his presence: Devotions for every day of the year. Integrity Publishers.

Verse of the Week:

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."

(Romans 12:2)


We will be building a little free library in the church yard to encourage community and engagement. If anyone would like to donate children's books, young adult books, or any adult novels we would love the assistance in filling up the little library. If anyone would like to participate in the construction and decoration of the little library, please contact Taylor Lambrecht.

Starting this April we will be selling Burritos every other Saturday - weather permitting. We have the new card reader for the church so the burritos can now be paid for with cash and card. Any members who would like to participate in the sales will need to bring a dozen burritos of their choice to sell, and we ask for them to be in contact with Pastor Stevie. The first sale will be the 13th at 9:00 AM. We hope to see you there!


For any questions or suggestions regarding our newsletter please email or call (720)466-0951

Don't Forget to Subscribe to our newsletter and check out our Wix-App Code: TETDZ5, Facebook and website for updates.

See You Next Week!

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