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The Berthoud Bugle: Three Questions

Volume 2024: Edition 25

Food for thought: What does your path look like?

Hello everyone. We would like to thank you for your love and support during this difficult time in our Church and in our family. It has been very hard, but it is also a time of growth in our church and the strengthening of our faith.  We strive to bring encouragement and connection through this newsletter that we will be continuing to post every 1st of the month, so we hope you will continue to learn and grow in God's word with us.

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

(Matthew 7:13-14)

What an amazing verse to sum up the journey we are all called to walk and the consequences for every decision made along the path of life.

At first, I wasn’t planning on writing about this verse for our newsletter topic this month because as some of you might know; those who attend or watch Sunday Services, class discussions in the morning adult class, or the Wednesday evening bible study; this has been a verse brought up at all three. But we should all be asking, why? And it is asking ‘Why’ that makes this a perfect “food for thought” topic.

Why is the road so narrow that leads to eternity with our Lord? 

Why is the road so wide that leads to destruction?

Why do we not take the obvious choice? 

These three questions are all we really need to answer, in true honesty to ourselves, to understand the importance of this verse. It sounds too simple to be true. There’s no way that three questions can solve it all, right? 

Well, to prove that they can, I will go first. I will answer the three questions and I hope you will also take the time to answer them yourself:

  1. Why is the road so narrow that leads to eternity with the Lord?

If I am truly honest with myself, the road is narrow because I allow the world to influence me.

I believe that my number one struggle is doubt, which I know comes from me listening to the world. What I watch, what I read, and what I want to do adds to it. We all have weaknesses that take us off or make it difficult to follow the path of life and mine is doubt.

The mistakes I’ve made and the failures I’ve suffered in my own journey have made my struggles with doubt even more amplified because I haven’t let go of them completely. I’ve allowed my past failures to pile up onto the present-day failures. I doubt myself in so many areas of my life that I’m in a constant struggle with my thoughts. I always have to put up a fight because if I don’t (which some days I don’t) I see myself losing control of who I am and losing focus on who I want to become. And all of this weighs me down in my race and sways me away from that pathway.

But this doubt, and analyzing my doubts, has also shown me the underlying issues of why I doubt. I want to control my own path and not let go of that control, which ultimately means that I have not put all my trust in God and the plans He has for me. As sad as that sounds, I also know that if I continue to seek, continue to fight, and continue to pray that I will overcome my doubt and these obstacles that make me weak at times, and that the LORD will help me overcome them all so I can follow the road He has set out for me.

“Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.”

(Psalm 51:1-2)

  1. Why is the road so wide that leads to destruction?

Because I want control. I want to do it my way. I don’t want to be told what I can and cannot do. I want to be able to do what I please and not have to answer for why or what I do. I think I have plenty of time to find my way. This is a view so many people have, and it sums up how I am on the days I am weak. Without God leading my path, I’m selfish and think I can do everything on my own. The road is wide because I want to be in full control and play God, like everyone else in the world. It’s that simple for me. 

“This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.  There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. God presented Him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in His blood.  He did this to demonstrate His justice, because in His forbearance He had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished - He did it to demonstrate His justice at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus.”

(Romans 3:22-26)

  1. Why do we not take the obvious choice? 

Because I lie to myself. I tell myself that I can control all my own outcomes, which are leading me to self-destruction. I think if I pray from time to time and go to church, that’s enough. I have faith in myself and believe that even with all my daily struggles I will overcome them all in due time on my own.

“Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

(John 14:6)

After re-reading my answers, I know and have known for a long time, that I need time. I need to pray for time and pray that God will continue to be patient with me. I know that I can’t waste the time I have on foolish things instead of on my relationship with my Savior. I have to seek Him now! And let Him guide my ways. Because I know the way that I've paved for myself is going to lead me down a road where the end won’t be a happy ending. 

Be honest with yourself. Answer these three simple questions. And let’s all pray for each other that we all let our Lord lead our way home.

We are grateful to have you with us as readers, church members, and interested guests and we are always open to any suggestions and volunteers for our website, newsletter, and future activities. We hope to see you at our Sunday services and stay tuned for our coming newsletters and updates at church, at bible study, on Facebook, on the Wix-App, and on the website.

Upcoming Events:

Special Prayers:

  • Pray for the Salazar family and the congregation during this very difficult transition. 

  • Pray for Rachel for her health and for her trip to see her sisters in Utah that she is kept safe and has a wonderful time together with her family there and back.

  • Pray for Jessie, Brandy, and Taylor on their trip to Florida that they are safe and blessed throughout their trip.

  • Pray for Pastor Stevie and Susan for a safe trip to, during, and from Hawaii.

  • Pray for the Bibles we are trying to send to Kenyan Children and Youth that the lord provides a way for them to be sent.

  • Pray for our Newsletter that we can continue to write through the Holy Spirit

  • Pray for our Pastor and our church that we may be blessed to continue to grow and share the word of God.

Weekly Devotional: The Trailblazer

"Your word is a lamp unto my feet, a light for my path."

(Psalm 119:105)

Like a hike through the woods, there are many divergent paths our lives can take. On the trail of life, we can choose to strike out on our own by taking an unmarked path. Or we can decide to follow a path that has already been marked by Jesus Christ, the trailblazer. He has gone before us to show us the way. He has left signposts to help us stay the course and not get lost. It is our responsibility to take note of these signposts. The bible lights our path. Circumstances of life nudge us to the right direction. The Holy Spirit counsels us. Other people may serve as our guides.

Perhaps you are at a crossroads. Ask the Lord which path to take. Keep alert to the signposts He has marked for you. Or maybe you have gotten off track and are lost. Cry out to Him. The Lord knows exactly where you are! You are not lost to Him. He will come to you and lead you back on the right path. Let's have courage to follow the Lord on the road less traveled.

Dear Lord, you are the way. When I follow you, I will be on the best possible path for my life, Amen.

Rayburn, Julie. Be Still and Know. . . Barbour Publishing, 2014.

Verse of the Week:

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths."

(Proverbs 3:5-6)


Pastor Stevie and Susan will be away from May 4th to the 18th, so there will be no open office or visiting hours at the church Tuesday through Thursday until our Pastor's return.

There will be a Front range Foursquare Conference on May 4th at 1:00 PM at The Fort Collins Foursquare Church. If you need directions to the location text or call Pastor Stevie.

Don't forget that Mother's Day is coming up May 12th! The church would like to honor the moms in our Church this day with a special time after the sermon to give appreciation and a gift card to each mother. We hope to see you there!

We would love to send out the newsletter personally to every member as well as pray for and celebrate birthdays and anniversaries together as a church family. We are asking for all of our members to send their birth date, anniversary date, and their email to 303-916-3950 or to the church email. You could also write it down on our paper before or after services May 5th and 12th.

We will be building a little free library in the church yard to encourage community and engagement. If anyone would like to donate children's books, young adult books, or any adult novels we would love the assistance in filling up the little library. If anyone would like to participate in the construction and decoration of the little library, please contact Taylor Lambrecht.


For any questions or suggestions regarding our newsletter please email or call (720)466-0951

Don't Forget to Subscribe to our newsletter and check out our Wix-App Code: TETDZ5, Facebook and website for updates.

See You Next Week!

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